Week of March 30, 2025 – I AM : The Vine
Two words that spoke volumes. They echoed the narratives of the Old Testament, angered Jesus’ opponents, and breathed life into His disciples. In the Gospel of John, seven bold and remarkable statements begin with these exact words, offering profound insight into Jesus’ identity—and showing us how to truly find ours.
Our cries of “I am empty” are met with “I am the bread of life.”
Our pleas of “I am lost” are countered with “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
These two simple words speak directly to our fears, doubts, and pain: I AM.
Small Group Study Guide
Ice Breaker Questions
- On a scale of 1–10, how would you rate your current level of joy? Why?
- On a scale of 1–10, how close do you feel to Jesus right now? What’s influencing that number?
- What’s something small that recently brought you joy?
Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine and branches to describe a thriving relationship with Him—marked by closeness, growth, and fruitfulness.
Key Themes to Explore
1. Real Relationship
Discussion Questions:
- What does it mean to “remain in” Jesus in practical terms?
- How have you experienced God’s pruning in your life?
- What’s the difference between religion and a real relationship with Jesus?
2. Real Fruit vs. Fake Fruit
Discussion Questions:
- What kind of “fruit” do you see God producing in your life right now?
- How can we tell the difference between fake fruit (religious appearance) and real fruit (Spirit-filled life)?
- Which fruit of the Spirit do you long to see more of in your life?
3. Real Warning
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think Jesus gives such a strong warning here?
- How do we avoid spiritual withering?
- What does it look like to stay spiritually connected in a distracted world?
4. Real Promise
Discussion Questions:
- What promises does Jesus make to those who remain in Him?
- Have you experienced answered prayer? How did it impact your faith?
- What helps you experience overflowing joy in Christ?
Big Questions for Reflection
- What do you do that makes you feel connected to Jesus?
- What do you do that makes you feel disconnected?
- Which of the six relationship rhythms (below) do you need to grow in?
Action Steps: Living as a Branch Connected to the Vine
Choose 1–2 of the following to focus on this week:
1. Talk to God Honestly
(Jeremiah 33:3, Philippians 4:6, Psalm 62:8)
→ Make prayer personal, not polished.
2. Hear God Through His Word
(2 Timothy 3:16 –17, Hebrews 4:12)
→ Read with expectation that God will speak.
3. Make Space to Be Still
(Psalm 46:10, Exodus 33:14)
→ Create quiet moments to notice His presence.
4. Follow Where He Leads
(John 14:23, James 1:22)
→ Obedience unlocks deeper intimacy with Jesus.
5. Walk with God’s People
(Hebrews 10:24-25, Matthew 18:20)
→ Don’t do faith alone. Show up for others.
6. Pursue Relationship, Not Religion
(Hosea 6:6, John 15:15)
→ God wants your heart, not your performance.
Father, thank You for inviting us into a real relationship through Jesus. Help us remain in You, to stay close to the Vine, and bear the kind of fruit that brings You glory. Where we’ve been distant, draw us close. Where we’ve relied on ourselves, teach us dependence. Fill our lives with love, joy, and peace as we abide in You. Make us a people marked by Your Spirit and known for Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.