Real – Real Commitment

February 16, 2025


In a world filled with distractions and competing definitions of success, it’s easy to lose sight of why we are truly here. Our sermon this week dives into God’s design for our lives, revealing that our ultimate purpose is not found in personal achievements or fleeting pursuits but in fulfilling the great commission. Being a disciple maker is not just a calling for a select few; it’s a purpose embedded in every believer’s identity. Explore how Jesus’ example and command to “go and make disciples” equips us to live lives of eternal significance, impacting others while drawing closer to God.

Small Group Study Guide

Ice Breaker Questions

  1. What is one thing you have committed to for a long time (hobby, job, relationship, etc.)? What made you stay committed?
  2. Have you ever backed out of something you initially felt confident about? What held you back?
  3. If you could describe your commitment to faith in one word, what would it be?

The Main Idea:

When we say we are in, we will have REAL Commitment



  1. In Luke 18:18-23, what was the rich young ruler’s struggle with commitment? What modern-day “wealth” or comfort keeps people from fully committing to Christ?
  2. In Revelation 3:14-22, how does Jesus describe the church of Laodicea? What does being lukewarm in our faith mean, and how can we avoid this?
  3. The Ephesians in Acts 19:18-20 physically burned their past to show their commitment to Jesus. What symbolic (or literal) steps must we take today to show our commitment?
  4. Luke 9:23-25 speaks about denying oneself, taking up one’s cross, and following Jesus. What does this practically look like in daily life?
  5. Matthew 28:18-20 is Jesus’ command to make disciples. Why do you think commitment to Christ includes personal faith and sharing that faith with others?
  6. How do you think comfort and security impact our willingness to commit fully to Jesus?
  7. What “ships” do you need to burn to surrender to Christ’s calling in your life fully?

Action Steps

  • Identify one thing that is holding you back from full commitment to Christ. Pray about how to surrender it this week.
  • If you have never been baptized, consider taking that step of commitment.
  • Make a tangible step toward serving in your church—whether joining a ministry, signing up to volunteer, or increasing your generosity.
  • Reach out to one person this week and encourage them in their faith journey.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love, grace, and patience as we learn what it means to be fully committed to You. Help us to release the things that hold us back, to step out in faith, and to trust You completely. Give us the courage to burn the ships of our past and walk boldly into the future You have for us. Strengthen us to love You with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and to live lives that glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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