Selfless: Gratitude
November 19, 2023
Consumed by discontentment of your situation, the drive for more, the wanting of that feeling of excitement again. Sound familiar? So much of our lives are driven by focusing on what is the next thing we want, the next job, the next house, and the next broken thing needing to be fixed. Yet, when we are consumed with ourselves, we don’t live in the gratitude of who God is and what he has done. Come see why gratitude and a thankful heart is the antidote to worry and selfishness.
In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.
- (Optional Icebreaker) Who in your life is someone you view as continually overflowing with thankfulness?
- What are some reasons why living with a heart of constant gratitude is so difficult for so many?
- Read 1 Thess. 5:16-18. Why would being thankful in all circumstances be “God’s will for you”?
- Read Luke 17:11-19. What was Jesus trying to show us in the way the Samaritan returned to Jesus after receiving a blessing?
- Read the following passages that describe different things we should be thankful for, if in a group take one passage each and read allowed:
- Below are 6 areas of life that there are things to be thankful for. Take the next 5 minutes and write down one thing for each that you are thankful.
- Personal life
- Faith
- Family
- Church Family
- Other specific people in your life
- Country & World
- Now spend some time praying, praising, and thanking God for each of your areas of gratitude.