Full-Filled: Right Enemy, Right Armor

July 2, 2023

Description: Does life feel like a fight?  Perhaps the better question is, are you fighting the right enemy in the right way?  This Sunday we dive into Ephesians 6:10-20.  Paul gives his final word to the church of Ephesus on how to fulfill their purpose by standing against the schemes of our enemy.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. Have you ever gotten angry or frustrated with someone only to find out that it wasn’t the right person?  (Example: angry with a spouse only to find out it wasn’t their fault)

  2. Read Ephesians 6:10-11.  What are some of the strategies of the “evil one?”

  3. Read Ephesians 6:12.  Paul shows that our actual battles are not with the person but the influencer of the person. Could this perspective change the way you see people and problems?  Share some examples.

  4. Read Ephesians 6:13-18.  Which of these pieces of armor stand out to you the most?  Which of these pieces of armor do you need to wear more often?

  5. Read Ephesians 6:19-20.  Paul wrote this letter in chains and yet asks for prayer for boldness.  Why do you think Paul desires both boldness and armor?  Pray for one another on which piece of armor you need and for boldness to share like Paul.


Full-Filled: Under the Influence

June 25, 2023

Description: Are you under the influence?  We are all influenced by something, but the question is, who is your primary influence?  This Sunday we dive into Ephesians 5:1-20.  Paul helps us wrestle with whether we are a light in the darkness or if the darkness overtaking our light.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. Do you know of someone who is a big time influencer when they walk into a room?  (Without sharing names) Share both positive and negative influencers in your life and the power they have over people around them.
  2. Read Ephesians 5:1-2.  What does imitating God practically look like in your day to day life?  
  3. Read Ephesians 5:3-5.  Paul shows the opposite of imitating God with a list of sins.  Which sins stand out to you?  Which are most influential around you?
  4. Read Ephesians 5:6-14.  What are some ways people around you have tried to excuse sins?  How can you be both around people living in darkness without participating in the darkness?  Give some examples.
  5. Read Ephesians 5:15-20.  Compare and contrast why Paul referenced being filled with the Holy Spirit with being filled with too much wine.  If in a group, share with one another and then pray for one another on how to be in the world but not of the world, and our struggles with that tension.

Full-Filled: Model of Marriage

June 18, 2023

Description: What if your marriage was meant for something more?  This Fathers day we dive into Ephesians 5:21-33.  What if marriage is primarily for God’s glory and not just your happiness?  What if through husbands reflecting Christ and wives reflecting the church is actually for something more?

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. What is the best marriage you have ever seen?  What made it special?
  2. Read Ephesians 5:21.  What does mutual submission look like and why do this out of reverence for Christ?  
  3. Read Ephesians 5:22-24.  This tends to be a difficult passage for many in the culture today.  What are the reasons why this is so hotly debated and why would this be laid out in scripture this way?  How are wives to be a model of the church in relation to Christ?
  4. Read Ephesians 5:25-30, then read Mark 10:42-45.  What does it look like for husbands to be Christ to their wives?  What are some examples of sacrificial, selfless, loving leadership a husband should exhibit to be a model of Christ in relation to the church?
  5. Read Ephesians 5:31-33.  If married, what are some ways you would need to change to become a better illustration to the world of Christ and the church?  If single, why would this illustration still be a powerful model for the world to see?  Spend some time in prayer for one another over what the next step looks like in your own relationships.


Full-Filled: Week 5

June 11, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. Read Ephesians 4:1-16.  What stands out to you about that passage of scripture?
2. What is the “Therefore” There for?  (What is Paul basing his words in chapter 4 on?)
3. Ephesians 4:1 tells us that we have been called by God.  What does it mean to live a life worthy of your calling? How are you doing with that?
4. In the teaching it was said,   “We are eager to live a life saved, but not eager to live a life surrendered.”  Is that ever true for you?  Why is that?
5. How can we measure up to the full and complete standard of Christ? (Re-read Ephesians 4:13 for guidance.) What are some practical ways to do that?
6. Paul says that we need to grow up.  What are some of the reasons he gives us?  Why do we choose not to?  What is one choice you can make that will lead to spiritual maturity? 

Full-Filled: Week 4

June 4, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.


1.  Love is a tricky word.  I love pizza and I love my spouse.  How do you know what is the right amount of love or the right type of love?  How do you measure love?

2.  Read Ephesians 3:14-21. What stands out to you about this prayer from Paul to the believers in Ephesus?  How do you become full with all the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19)?

3.  Read John 14:15-21.  What stands out to you about this passage from Jesus?  How did Jesus measure love?

4.  Read 1 John 4:10-11.  How did God show the measure of His love for us?  Give specific examples of how do we show our measure of that love to others?  (Serve, give, spend time with, etc.)

5.  To be filled to the fullness of God is to know His love for us and to show my love for Him.  What is one thing you could do this week to know Gods love more deeply and express it in loving others more passionately this week?  If in a group, spend time praying for one another.

Full-Filled: Week 3

May 28, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.


1. In Paul’s thinking, what role does the church play in God’s plans for the world?

2. How do you think Gentile believers responded to Paul’s explanation of “the mystery of Christ”?

3. How does fellowship in Christ among diverse people groups reveal the great wisdom of God, and proclaim His great power?

4. Ephesians 3:10 tells us that God uses the church to make the Lord’s mystery known to those in Heaven. Evidently, they are watching us here on Earth. Have you ever thought about you being God’s showpiece? How could you better apply this to your life so that you can more carefully show off His glory and wisdom?

5. In the days ahead, what can you do to help outsiders feel welcome at our church, just like Paul including the Gentiles?

Full-Filled: How Firm Is Your Faith Foundation?

May 21, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.


1. Who do you think of when considering someone who has gone through extremely difficult circumstances but still had an unshakable faith in Jesus? 

2. Read Matthew 7:24-27. What stands out to you about this parable from Jesus and the solid foundation?

3. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. What stands out to you? What is the foundation of our faith according to this passage? Practically speaking, what does that type of faith look like?

4. Read Ephesians 2:19-21. What stands out to you? What is the foundation our church should be built on? Practically speaking, what are some ways you would be able to tell if the church you are attending really is built on Jesus or built on something else?

5. Is your faith foundation shaky? What are some ways you can firm up your foundation in Jesus this week? Spend some time in prayer and encourage one another.

Full-Filled: What’s Missing?

May 14, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.


1. Who do you think of when considering someone who has gone through extremely difficult circumstances but still had an unshakable faith in Jesus? 

2. Read Matthew 7:24-27. What stands out to you about this parable from Jesus and the solid foundation?

3. Read Ephesians 2:1-10. What stands out to you? What is the foundation of our faith according to this passage? Practically speaking, what does that type of faith look like?

4. Read Ephesians 2:19-21. What stands out to you? What is the foundation our church should be built on? Practically speaking, what are some ways you would be able to tell if the church you are attending really is built on Jesus or built on something else?

5. Is your faith foundation shaky? What are some ways you can firm up your foundation in Jesus this week? Spend some time in prayer and encourage one another.