Gift Exchange: Religion to Relationship

December 24, 2023


In this Christmas Eve sermon, Pastor Bryan Hay reflects on the true meaning of Christmas and the purpose behind the gifts we exchange. He emphasizes that the best gifts are ones that hold value and meaning from someone we hold dear. The purpose of gifts, especially those given in the name of Jesus, goes beyond the material. The true purpose of Christmas is to bring people closer to God through a relationship with Jesus, establishing a relationship between God and humanity, and making the presence of God the ultimate present.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. (Ice breaker) What is the best Christmas gift you ever received?  Does who gave it to you make a difference?
  2. In what ways can the deepest and most valuable gifts be more about relationships rather than material possessions?
  3. Read Matt. 1:18-23.  Why was the reference to Immanuel so important?
  4. Read John 3:16 and 1 John 3:16-18.  How does love and giving relate to each other?
  5. Read Ephesians 2:8.  Pray for one another to embrace the relationship with God by ridding ourselves of trying to earn God’s love rather than receiving God’s love and living in His love.

Gift Exchange: Crushed to Courageous

December 17, 2023


This week, Pastor Ben taught us about finding courage in difficult circumstances by leaning on the unwavering love and guidance of Jesus. We heard about the struggles of two biblical characters, Joseph and Peter, who confronted their fears and anxieties by surrendering to God’s plan. Joseph, initially terrified upon learning about Mary’s pregnancy, chooses courage over fear after being reassured by an angel in a dream. Similarly, Peter overcomes his fear of a storm by stepping out of the boat to walk towards Jesus, who reassures and encourages him. Embracing courage is not just a sporadic decision but should be a consistent lifestyle, transcending beyond the church and into everyday life.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. Throughout his sermon, Pastor Ben described courage as a way we live. Why should we define it as a lifestyle, and not just a decision in the moment?
  2. What does it mean to be a courageous follower of Jesus instead of a comfortable coward? In what areas of your life is God calling you to step out of your comfort zone and be courageous?
  3. Read Hebrews 12:1-2. This section of scripture urges believers to focus on Jesus, the champion of their faith. Jesus endured the cross for our sake. How can remembering Jesus’ sacrifice help you stay strong in your faith and face challenges with courage?
  4. Staying focused on Jesus during challenging times is admittedly, easier said than done. What are some strategies you can use to keep your focus on Jesus when faced with difficulties?
  5. How did focusing on Jesus help both Joseph and Peter in their times of feeling crushed? In what ways can focusing on Jesus help you through your struggles or challenges?

Gift Exchange: Control for Surrender

December 10, 2023


It’s a unique feeling that can be a massive struggle for many.  It’s the feeling of when you have lost control of something or someone.  You felt confident and secure that you had a plan and a purpose when all of a sudden, your situation changes and you lose control.  The mother of Jesus knew that feeling and she showed us a powerful and beautiful response.  She didn’t fight to take control, she didn’t panic, she simply surrendered.  Come see why Jesus taught and Mary modeled that if you cling to this life, you will lose it, but if you give up your life for Jesus, you will find it.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. “Get to know you” question:  What has happened in your life that made you feel that you didn’t have control? How were you left confused about what God was doing?
  2. What are some of the ramifications of when your plans suddenly change if you are a person who always wants to be in control?
  3.  Read Luke 1:26-28.  Have you ever had something that left you “disturbed and confused” when considering what God was doing in your life?
  4. Read Luke 1:29-38.  What was the significance of Mary going from disturbed and confused to a surrendered servant?  As a young girl, Mary likely had other plans than to be the virgin mother of Jesus.  What would have happened if Mary refused to be a surrendered servant?  
  5. Read Matthew 10:39.  How does “losing your life” or giving up control to Jesus help you find your true life?
  6. In the original language the main verb translated in ESV “Let it be” is the same verb in Luke 1:38 and Luke 22:42.  How is this a powerful reminder that even when your prayers and requests do not go “as planned” the proper response is surrender to the will of God?  What in your life are you needing to “Let it be” and surrender to Jesus?  Pray for one another.

Gift Exchange: Worthless For Purpose

December 3, 2023


When we encounter God, sometimes we shy away from him because we think that we have nothing to offer him. The hurt caused by others, the enemy, and ourselves can leave us feeling worthless. The message of the Shepherds at the birth of Christ gives us hope that God can exchange our “worthless” for His “purpose”.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.


  1. “Get to know you” question: What is your favorite part of Christmas or the Christmas season? Why?
  2. Have you ever received a gift from someone that was much more valuable than the one you gave them? How did you handle the situation?
  3.  Read Luke 2:1-20 Do you think it is significant that the Angel appeared to the shepherds? What made it significant?
  4. When the Angel encountered the shepherds, the Angel never told them to go to find the Christ Child. Why do you think they went? What could they possibly offer to Jesus?
  5. The message of the shepherds is that God wants to exchange our “worthless” for “purpose”. Sometimes we experience worthlessness at the hands of others, sometimes at the hands of the devil and sometimes by our own hands. Has there been a season in your life where you felt like you were worthless? Where did that “worthless” come from?
  6. Read Romans 8:28 This verse is for believers in Jesus. In light of this verse, how has God exchanged your worthless (Mess, failures, mistakes) for his purpose?
  7. Read Jeremiah 29:11 Keeping in mind the original context and audience it was intended for; how do the principles of the promise apply to moving from worthless to purpose?

Gift Exchange: Doubt for Faith

November 26, 2023


Presents on Christmas morning is by far the favorite thing about Christmas for most people. But, have you ever received a gift you didn’t expect that was far more valuable than what you bought for them? As we prepare our hearts for the true meaning of Christmas, we look to the stories of the Bible and how even though what we have to offer doesn’t seem like much, God is the best gift giver of all.  Let’s exchange doubt for faith by looking through the lens of Zachariah and Mary.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. (Optional Icebreaker) Have someone volunteer for a faith vs. doubting exercise called the trust fall. A Trust Fall is an activity where one person stands on a raised platform. They then fall backwards standing upright in a rigid position usually with their eyes closed relying on the support of their people in the small group to catch them before they hit the ground.  
  2. Describe an undeniable time when you encountered God. Could be through a song, a situation, in prayer/study or through a person.  How did you respond in that situation?
  3. Read Luke 1:5-17.  What stands out to you about the way Zachariah responded?
  4. Read Luke 1:26-38. How is Mary’s response similar to Zachariah? How is her response different?
  5. Read Mark 9:21-23. If you struggle with doubt, what lesson can we learn from this struggling father?
  6. Is there anything in your life that God is calling you to take a step toward right now that you have been hesitant to do? If in a group, pray for one another to trust God and take a step of immediate obedience.