Got Questions: Week 4

May 7, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. “Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭4‬:‭‭6‬ ‭NLT

Today’s topic can be difficult and controversial. If in a group, be gracious with your words. If someone disagrees with you on a difficult and personal topic, how would you want them to interact with you?

2. When was your first encounter with this topic of homosexuality and/or sexual identity? (Friends, family, school) How did your past experiences affect your views today?

3. Read Genesis 1:27-28. How does the creation account affect our view of God’s plans and purposes?

4. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-20. What stands out to you about God’s intent on sexuality?

5. Re-read 1 Corinthians 6:11. Do you or someone you know need to be washed from a sin that is explained in these passages? Take some time to commit to God and pray for one another. 

Got Questions: Week 3

April 30, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. Who are the best parents you have ever met? What made them special?

2. What are the greatest challenges you see in raising kids today?

3. Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Why do you think this section of scripture begins with a call to passion (Deut. 6:4-6) in loving God with all that you are? How does that impact children? In verses 7-9, why does having your children in close proximity to God’s teachings so important in parenting? What are some examples of what that looks like in 2023?

4. When it comes to parenting and especially Godly parenting in leading our kids to Jesus. It can be difficult as our kids have free will to choose to follow Jesus or not. This is why prayer is so important. Read Luke 18:1-8. What can we learn from the persistent widow?

5. Whether you are a parent, will become a parent, or are parent-like to others, what from this lesson on parenting with passion, proximity, and prayer is the one area you want to commit to improving this week? How can we pray for one another?

Got Questions: Week 2

April 23, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. There is an estimated 4,000 unique religions but the top five belief systems are Christianity (31.7%), Islam (25%), Atheist/Agnostic (15.2%), Hinduism (14.9%), and Buddhism (6.6%). Do you know anyone who would identify with one of these belief systems that is not Christianity? Why do you believe they are following that particular belief system?

2. The ‘Got Questions’ series question of the day is, “If Christianity is all we’ve ever known, how do we know we have it right? Why not Judaism, Islam, or Buddhism?” How would you answer that question?

3.  Oprah Winfrey once stated, “There are millions of ways to be a human being and many paths to what you call God.” “Well, I am a Christian who believes that there are certainly many more paths to God other than Christianity.” Ever heard this before? Read John 14:6. What in this passage stands out in contrast to this quote from Oprah? 

4. What is the best way to share the truth of Jesus with those who believe differently? Read Acts 17:16-32. What stands out about how Paul used the Unknown God to help those who believed differently than him? What would it look like to share how Paul did in your context with those you know have a different belief system?

5. Who is one person that you need to share the good news of Jesus with that currently believes differently than you do? Pray for one another and help each other think through the best way to approach this topic with those around us.

Got Questions: Week 1

April 16, 2023

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

How do you generally seek answers to questions of life and truth? Why is that?

  • Google (Outside Influences: Discovered, Experienced or Researched-YouTube, Social Media,
    Politics, News etc.)
  • Grandma (Personal Influences: Raised or Taught-Family, Friends, Co-Workers, Teachers etc.)
  • Gospel (Biblical Influences: Read or Taught-Bible Study, Preaching, Small Group Study etc.)

    What are some of the major influences in your life that have shaped the way you generally think and

    Why is it important that our answers to life come from sources and influences that are true, reliable,
    relevant, and sufficient? What can happen if one of these checkpoints is missing?

    If we call ourselves Christ Followers, our opinions on any topic should be based primarily on the Gospel.
    How can we know that the message of Jesus is True and Reliable? Give a short description of each of
    the 7 E’s of reliability.

  • Early Testimony
  • Ethical Testimony
  • Eyewitness Testimony
  • Embarrassing Testimony
  • Excruciating Testimony
  • Extra-Biblical Testimony
  • Enemy Testimony

    Read Hebrews 4:12. How can we know that the Bible is relevant and Self-Sufficient?

    If the Bible is true, if it’s reliable, if it’s relevant, and if it’s sufficient…why do Christians rely so heavily on
    Google, grandma, and other influences for life answers? If we are to apply what we read in the scripture to our daily lives, why do many not read and study to see for themselves what it says?