Home Improvement: Repurposed Singles

October 29, 2023

Description: For one reason or another, many people find themselves without a spouse. Is there a purpose? Does this impact how God views his plans for you? As a conclusion to the Home Improvement series, we take a hammer to destroy the false view that singleness is in some way incomplete by showing how God’s plan and purpose is made complete through Christ in you.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. (Optional Icebreaker) What is the best repurposing of common household items (life hacks) that you have ever seen? (example:  toothpaste as pimple creme, old t-shirts as rags etc.)
  2. Who do you know that is single and living life to the fullest?   
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 7:7-8, 25-35. What stands out to you about what Paul is describing of why singleness and an undivided discipline for the Lord is so good? If single, what does it look like to try and have an undivided devotion to Jesus? If married, what does it look like to try and have undivided devotion to Jesus?
  4. Bryan shared three ways to have an undivided devotion to Jesus by being: 1. Complete in Christ, 2. Christlike in Character, and 3. Committed in Community. 
    1. Complete in Christ- Read Colossians 2:9-10. What does being complete in your union with Christ mean?
    2. Christlike in Character- Read 1 Timothy 4:12(b). Which from this character list do you need most growth in?
    3. Committed in Community-  Read Hebrews 10:24-25. Why is it important to be connected to a community whether you are single or not?
  5. If in a group, pray for one another on which areas you are most needed to grow in. If alone, spend some time confessing and committing to God on what you discovered is an area of growth needed to have undivided devotion to Jesus.

Home Improvement: Rebuilt Marriage

October 22, 2023

Description: Any home, any car, anything and everything will eventually need to be renovated or rebuilt or it will eventually fall apart.  Yet, for many of us, when it comes to our marriage, we have let our relationships go unmaintained for far too long and our relationship is in need of being rebuilt for a little Home Improvement.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. (Optional Icebreaker) What is the biggest renovation project you have ever tried to tackle? What fear did you have to overcome in order to move forward with the project?
  2. How would you describe the primary marriage that was modeled to you from your parents, grandparents, or other parent like figures in your life?  
  3. Read Genesis 2:18-25.  What are the implications of the phrase “not good to be alone?” What are the implications of the phrase “helper who is just right for him?”
  4. According to Gen. 2:24, why is a man and woman to leave their parents to be united as one?
  5. Read Matthew 19:1-12. Who is given credit for joining the male and female together?  
  6. What are the reasons Jesus gives as valid for divorce?  What are the implications of that limited reasoning and how does our culture view marriage differently than Jesus described?

Home Improvement: Remodeling Parents

October 15, 2023

Description: When we hear the word parenting, we all have different reactions. Some of us had great parents that we love and see regularly throughout the week, some have moved far away from their parents. Some are learning how to be parents themselves, some are single parents figuring that journey out. Maybe, when it comes to parenting, your big goal is to not repeat what you’ve grown up with. To look towards how to parent properly, we need to look back at Deuteronomy and see how God intended the home to be to begin with.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. If it isn’t Home Improvement, what is your favorite sitcom?
  2. What is the most important thing your parents taught you?
  3. Read Deuteronomy Chapter 6
  4. Do you think kids see God differently from adults? In what ways?
  5. What are some things kids should learn about God from the parents?
  6. What are some things parent should learn about God from their kids?
  7. Beyond our children, what broader audience might this text be calling us to? How does this text speak to those without children?

Home Improvement: Renovating Grandparents

October 8, 2023

Description: Families are being torn apart. Marriages failing. Kids rebelling. Homes, broken. God cares about your family. He created, designed, and gave purpose to Grandparents, Parents, Marriage,  and singles. Its time to get to work, its time for a renovation through restoration. Its time for Home Improvement.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. Read: Romans 12:18, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
  2. In what ways have you seen the family being torn apart in modern society?  Have you seen it happen in your own family?  If so, how?
  3. Have you considered that God wants you to have an active role in restoring families to God’s design? What kind of opportunities have you had to do that? Are there known opportunities that you need to take advantage of?
  4. No matter your age or stage, God can use you to intentionally make a difference in the lives of those He has entrusted to you.  Who has God entrusted to you?  (Who do you influence, set an example for, lead or do life with?) Read Philippians 4:9. Could you say these words to them?
  5. If you are a grandparent, one of your main goals should be to teach your grandchildren to follow God. If you are a Christian of any age, God has called you to do the same. What are some ways that you are doing that?
  6. Did your grandparents have a spiritual influence on your life? What did they do or say that made a difference in your faith journey?
  7. If you are a grandparent, where do you need to be renovated? (way we love, past mistakes, relationship with kids, sitting the bench, roles with the grandkids, lead in faith). If you are not a grandparent, where do you need to be renovated in order to help restore families?