The Art of Neighboring: The Great Commission

August 27, 2023

Description: Before his ascension into heaven, Jesus called his followers to make disciples of all nations. How does that calling fit in with the art of neighboring? If we’re living out the great commandment as we’re instructed to do, we create an environment where the great commission will become as natural as breathing.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What do you like about this passage? What is difficult to fulfill in this passage? 
  2. How does Fork fulfill that commission? How do you fulfill the commission in your personal life? 
  3. Be Honest. When you hear the great commission, what feelings stir within you? (Dread, exhaustion, guilt, excitement?) Why? 
  4. What is a good first step to start overcoming fear and time barriers to reach others with the gospel? 
  5. In light of this sermon, what can we do to become better neighbors to those in our lives?

The Art of Neighboring: The Fear Factor

August 20, 2023

Description:What are you afraid of? Heights? Spiders? Snakes? What about talking with someone about their struggles? What about talking about Jesus? When it comes to the art of Neighboring, one of the greatest obstacles that keep us from knowing and loving our neighbors is the fear factor. Are you willing to love Jesus and love others and face your fear to boldly love?

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. What are the top 3 things that you are most afraid of?  Have you ever overcome that fear?  If so, how? 
  2. What types of fears do you have in getting to know and loving your neighbor? Likewise, what fears do you have in sharing worth them the good news of Jesus? 
  3. Read 1 John 4:16-18.  How does perfect love expel fear?
  4. Read John 4:4-24.  How did Jesus overcome the barriers that his disciples (and culture) where afraid to do?
  5. Read Ephesians 6:19-20.  Why did Paul ask for prayer to be bold?  What fears was he trying to overcome?  What do you need prayer for?  What boldness is needed for you to love your neighbors like Jesus?

The Art of Neighboring: The Time Barrier

August 13, 2023

Description: When it comes to the art of Neighboring, one of the greatest obstacles that keep us from knowing and loving our neighbors is the barrier of Time. Time is one of our most precious commodities and as it relates to neighboring, so we all need to learn to use it wisely. Why? Because our neighbors matter to Jesus and they should matter to us too.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. Read Matthew 22:37-39.  How important are these commands to Jesus?  How important are they to you?  Is your life consistent with your answer? 
  2. How often do you feel like you don’t have enough time in a day/week?  On a scale of 1-10, how hectic is your life right now? 
  3. Which of the following time myths do you struggle with the most?
    • Things will settle down someday
    • More will be enough
    • Everybody lives like this
  1. What practical steps can you take in order to break the habit of thinking like this? 
  2. Read Luke 10:38-42.  Why was what Mary was doing better than the good that Martha was doing? What are some good things in your life that are keeping you from the better? 
  3. Do you currently live at a pace that allows you to be “present” with your neighbors?  What will it take to find or make margin in your life to do that? 
  4. Do you know even one person in the 8 houses/apartments closest to you?  How many do you know? Will you commit to take the time to meet one new neighbor this week?

The Art of Neighboring: Love Your Neighbor

August 6, 2023

Description: Love your neighbor… such a simple command yet it may be the most overlooked command in all of scripture in the church today.  We must stop the confusion on who is my neighbor and what does it actually mean to love them.  If we, as followers of Jesus want to follow Jesus, we must begin taking the Great Commandment seriously and committing to loving our neighbors.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group. 

  1. Can you name the surrounding neighbors next to your home?  Why is this so rare now days?  What are the barriers to knowing your neighbor?
  2. Read Luke 10:25-29.  How do we try and justify the way we do or do not know and love our neighbors?
  3. Read Luke 10:30-37.  What stands out to you about this story?  Can you share one practical example of this in todays culture?
  4. Read 1 John 3:18.  Pastor Tony Evans describes this Biblical love as, “Biblical love is a choice to do good for another person regardless of what we feel. It is a decision to compassionately and righteously pursue the betterment of another person. This is why you can even love your enemies according to Christ’s command.”  How does this change the way you think about loving others?  How is it different from the worlds definition?  
  5. What is one way you can love a neighbor this week?  Spend some time in prayer for your neighbors.