Personally Include Just One

September 25, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. How many super close friends do you have? Share one or two ways that having close friends has impacted your life. How would your life have been different if those friends never be-friended you?

2. Post-COVID statistics have pointed to extreme isolation for many. Genesis 2:18 says, “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” This passage is talking about something even deeper than marriage. Do you believe it is not good for you to be alone? Why or why not?

3. Read Acts 2:42-47. Share an example of how this early church is similar to what you have experienced within Fork Christian Church and your small group. How would you personally and your group as a whole have to change in order to be more like this example of the church in Acts 2?

4. One of the powerful words in the passage of Acts 2:42-47 is that “each day the Lord added to their fellowship.” Are you willing to “Personally Include” new people into your group? Are you willing to multiply your group in order to make room to “Personally Include” new people? Are you willing to “Personally Include” new people into your friend circle?

5. In this Just One series we have been challenged to prayerfully consider, thoughtfully invite, and now personally include Just One. How has that gone? Share with one another the one that you are reaching out to, how it went, or how you are planning to reach out to them in the next couple of weeks. Pray for one another.

Thoughtfully Invite

September 18, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. Briefly share who it was and how it went the first time someone shared the gospel with you or invited you to church?

2. Scale of 1-10 (10 being very comfortable and 1 being very uncomfortable) how comfortable are you in sharing the Gospel or inviting someone to church?  Share how it went the last time you invited someone to church or shared the gospel with them?

3. Read Acts 8:26-38.  What stood out to you about this interaction?  How could it serve as a model for us?  (For example: Ask great questions, be a good listener, be prepared to give a reason for hope, share the gospel)

4. Time to practice:  Many times things are uncomfortable when we don’t do it often.  So let’s practice.  Who ever was the highest number on question 4 (and willing to participate) pair up with the lowest number (that is willing to participate).  Highest number pretend you are a Christian work friend with the lowest number pretending to be an unbeliever but open to the conversation.  Engage with each other as if you were meeting for lunch.  The rest of the group, evaluate what went well and what you think would help it be better.  Feel free to take turns so all can practice that want to.  

5. Who is the Just One you feel led to invite to a meal or coffee to begin the process of asking great questions, being a good listener, being ready to give hope and share the gospel?  Spend some time praying over this individual and how the conversation will go.

*need help in learning how to share the gospel? Click here:  

Prayerfully Identify Just One

September 11, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. Who do you currently love the most that does not have a saving relationship with Jesus?  Share at least one name.

2. If you knew that a neighbor, co-worker, or friend of your lost loved one was a Christian, how would you want them to reach your loved one for Jesus?  Give examples.

3. In the story today we see 3 characters.  A person needing Jesus, people carrying their friend to Jesus, and the crowd observing Jesus.  Read Luke 5:17-26 and consider which of these characters you most identify with.  

Are you like the one needing to meet Jesus today?  Are you the one helping carry a friend and wrecking the roof to help them meet Jesus?  Or are you currently like one in the crowd, observing but not being changed by Jesus or helping others find Jesus?  Discuss which of these your life currently looks like.

4. What is holding you back from being a friend that carries and tears down obstacles to help people get to Jesus?

5. Who is one person that Jesus has put in your life that you need to carry to Jesus?  If you don’t have anyone in mind, spend some time asking God to show you.  If you do have someone in mind, what are some practical ways this week you can help carry them to Jesus and wrecking the roof if necessary to help get them to Him?