Motivated: Motivated to Work

June 23, 2024


Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenges, we take 8 weeks to unpack the second of these exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are being motivated to work.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. Get to Know You/Icebreaker question: What do you do for a living?  Why did you choose that field of work? Do you feel significant in what you do?
  2. How badly do you struggle with laziness? Why do you feel like this is a battle for so many?
  3. Read Gen. 2:15. What is significant about God, before the fall, putting man in the field to “work” and “care” for it? What does this tell you about work and our purpose? Have you felt like working a job is a distraction from living for a purpose God has for you? How would you approach your job differently if you felt like God placed you there on purpose?
  4.  Read 2 Thess. 3:1-18. Among many things we can take from these passages, vs. 6-18, there are 10 commandments we have read; briefly work through these together.
    1. Vs. 7- Be the example, “imitate us.”  Do you work in a way that is worthy of imitation?  Should co-workers copy you?
    2.  Vs. 8- Pay your way, “we [didn’t] eat anyone’s bread without paying for it.”  Are you overly relying on others to care for you?  Are you enabling others who should be able to provide for themselves? 
    3.  Vs. 6, 8b- Work hard  “We were not idle,” “We worked hard day and night.”  Are you working hard or not fully engaging like you should at work?
    4.  Vs. 12 – When boasting is a problem, “settle down and…earn..[your] own living.”  (Read 1 Thess. 4:11-12)- What is the difference between leading a “quiet life” vs. leading a loud life when it comes to work and boasting? 
    5.  Vs. 8 – Don’t “be a burden” by taking, but be a blessing by giving.  How are you using your income to be a blessing to others?
    6.  Vs. 10 – Lazy people will get motivated by hunger, “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.”  Are you motivating others or are you enabling others?  How do you know when to help and when to let others be hungry?
    7. Vs. 11 – Be busy, don’t be an “idle” busybody. You can often tell if you are not busy enough if you have time to “meddle in other people’s business.”  Is that something you or (without mentioning names) someone you know is struggling with?
    8. Vs. 14-15 – Set some boundaries, “warn him as a brother,” and burn some bridges that “have nothing to do with him”.  Are you in need of setting some boundaries or burning some bridges?  How do you do that while still loving one another?
    9.  Vs. 14 – Lazy and entitled able-bodied Christians should be “ashamed” if they are making excuses and refusing to work.  How can shame be used in a loving way?  How careful do you have to be so as not to be hateful in this?
    10. Vs. 13 – Keep going and “do not grow weary in doing good.”  It is exhausting to work day after day, year after year.  How can you help one another keep going?
  5.  Read Col. 3:23. Given this passage and the 10 commands listed above, what is your area of greatest focus?  If in a group, how can you pray for one another and help hold each other accountable to grow in how we work hard for the Lord?  

Motivated: Motivated to Prepare

June 16, 2024


Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenges, we take 8 weeks to unpack the second of these exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are being motivated to prepare.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. Get to Know You/Icebreaker question: Are you or someone you know doomsday preppers? What are some items they stock up on, and why?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between those who prepare for “Doomsday” (social or societal collapse) and those for the “Lord’s Day” (return of Jesus)?
  3. The second coming of Jesus is discussed many times throughout the New and Old Testament. Jesus himself spoke of this. Read Matthew 24:42-44. How did Jesus speak of His return and our preparation for it?
  4. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 is highly debated for its interpretations of the man of lawlessness and the end-times prophecies. However, several things are all agreed upon, including being prepared for Jesus’ return. Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 and discuss what Paul is trying to prepare us for and how.
  5. Among many things we can take from these passages, here are 5 ways for us to be prepared for the Lord’s Day: 
    1. Be “Fool Proof” in verse 3:
      1. Who are you listening to? Are you too easily influenced by others more than the influence of the Bible itself?
    2. Be “Lord Led” not “Lawless” in verses 7-8
      1. Are there certain areas of your life you resist letting God have authority over? (Money, sex, habits, hobbies, etc.)
    3. Be one who “Loves Truth” in verse 10:
      1. Do you love knowing God’s truth and His word? Do you study the Bible, memorize it, and love it?
    4. Be one who “Accepts Truth” verse 10:
      1. Do you really chase after Biblical truth and accept it even when it goes against your emotional wants or cultural influences?
    5. Be one who “Believes Truth” verses 12 and 14
        1. Do you rely on God’s word, believing God is the ultimate authority over what is true, including being valued over your wants and feelings?
        2. Do you believe the ultimate truth of the Gospel?
  1. Which of these 5 listed above do you feel is your area of least preparation?  If in a group, how can you pray for one another and help hold each other accountable to be prepared for the Lord’s return?

Motivated: Motivated by Encouragement

June 9, 2024


Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenges, we take 8 weeks to unpack the second of these exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are being motivated by encouragement. 

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

    1. Get to know you/Icebreaker question. Describe a time when someone encouraged you or when you encouraged someone else.
    2. How do you think encouragement plays a role in motivating us to grow in our faith? Or motivates others to grow in their faith?
    3. The letter 2 Thessalonians contains many words of encouragement. Have you taken time this week to send words of encouragement to someone? If not, what would it take for you to write a letter, note, or card to someone who could use some encouragement? 
    4. In the teaching, it was said that your value and worth come from knowing who you are and who you are. How does understanding who you are in Christ encourage you?
    5. Define or describe Biblical Grace.  Why do we need Grace?  Why do you think Paul starts out his letters wishing “Grace and Peace” for his audience? How has experiencing God’s grace impacted or affected your life during challenging times?
    6. Are you more prone to criticizing and finding fault or praising and praising?  If you tend to be more critical, what are some steps you can take to change?
    7. How does recognizing that God will care for the Thessalonians in their time of persecution encourage you in your times of trouble?

Motivated: Sleep When You’re Dead

June 2, 2024


 Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenge, we take the next eight weeks to unpack these two exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are motivated to live our lives as if we will finish them tomorrow.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. What is your favorite story that takes place at the end of the world? 
  2. What is one thing that stood out to you in this sermon? 
  3. How does the hope of the resurrection influence your daily life?
  4. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:18. Does this section of scripture help someone who is grieving? How could it help you grieve a loss? 
  5. How does Paul describe the suddenness of the Lord’s coming?
  6. What are the best ways that we can prepare ourselves for the second coming of Christ? 
  7. What are practical ways we can give thanks in all circumstances?

Motivated: Motivated to Stand Out

May 26, 2024


Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenge, we take the next eight weeks to unpack these two exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are motivated by being called to stand out in the sexualized culture we are placed in.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

* Note to the leader: This lesson deals with issues related to sexuality. Consider the individuals in your group as you prepare to discuss the teaching. Encourage them to be gentle and wise in their conversation, not oversharing, exposing other people’s sins, or gossiping.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. Get to know you/icebreaker question: What is your favorite way to be unique or go against the crowd?
  2. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3.  What is significant about this phrase “God’s will is for you to be holy.”  Why would God desire for you to be “set apart?” 
  3. How would you describe the sexualized culture around us and their view of sexuality in all its forms?  What have been some of the outcomes of this treatment of sexuality?
  4. What were you taught about God’s expectations for appropriate sexual behavior? Do you agree or disagree with any Christian teaching you’ve heard on sexuality? Why?
  5. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 13, 18-20. How seriously have you taken your purity when it comes to sexual sin?   What are some ways you have helped yourself “run from sexual sin”?
  6. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10. God is calling us to stand out in purity and stand out in love with how we love one another.  What are some examples of how you love one another in a group?  
  7. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12.  God is calling us to stand out in purity, in love for one another, and in how we work.  How cannot being dependent on others and being able to provide for yourself impact the way “outsiders” view you?
  8. How could standing out in purity, love for one another, and work be a testimony to those far from God?  How can you help pray for one another?

Motivated: Motivated by Sending

May 19, 2024


Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenge, we take the next eight weeks to unpack these two exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are motivated by being “called” and being “sent.”

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. Get to know you/icebreaker question: What is the most significant or most challenging request you have ever been asked to do?
  2. Have you ever wondered if I am “called” for a specific ministry?  What do you think that term means to be “called”?  Consider this quote from A. W. Tozer, “Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular; it is why he does it.”
  3. Read Ephesians 4:11-12 and Isaiah 6:8.  How do these passages affirm the equipping, calling, and sending of “God’s people to do his work and build up the church?”
  4. Timothy lived out this calling.  Read 2 Tim. 1:1-5; 1 Cor. 4:17; Phil 2:19, and 2 Tim. 2:15. Discuss how Timothy was being “called” and being “sent.”  
  5. Read 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13.  We see four different ways Timothy was sent.  He was sent to Share (v 1-2a), Strengthen (v 2b), help in their Struggles (3-4), Supply Love (v 12-13).  How was Timothy living out the calling of Ephesians 4:11-12?
  6. How is God and the church calling you, and how are you being equipped “to do his work and build up the church?”  If in a group, affirm one way you see God’s gifts in one another and ways we can use those gifts to do his work and build up the church.

Motivated: Motivated on Mission

May 12, 2024


Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenge, we take the next eight weeks to unpack these two exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are motivated to pastor like a parent and parent like a pastor.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. Get to know you/icebreaker question: What role did your parents play in your faith journey?
  2. If you were to be a missionary sent to a population with many non-believers, how would you live differently than you do now, and how would you live the same?  Read 1 Peter 2:9, 2 Tim. 2:2, and Matt. 28:19-20.  According to these passages, in what ways are you called to live a life like a local missionary?
  3. Read Prov. 22:6 and Eph. 6:1-4.  If you are a parent, in what ways are you called to live on mission in your home?
  4. In 1 Thessalonians 2, Paul gives several examples of how we are to Pastor like a Parent and likewise as a parent commissioned by God, we are to Parent like a Pastor. This is not just a theoretical concept, it’s a practical guide for our daily lives. Read 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 and discuss the message, motive, and manner a pastor should lead and love. How can we apply these principles in our interactions with our children, friends, and colleagues? Let’s explore together.
  5. What similarities do you see in the examples of a Godly Pastor is also examples of how we can be a Godly Parent in our home?
  6. If you are a parent or an influencer of others, which of these areas do you need to grow most? The message you are sharing, the motive you are sharing or not, or the manner in which you are influencing others? Pray over these next steps of focus. 

Motivated: Motivated by Example

May 5, 2024


Being unmotivated is one of the worst feelings. You don’t feel like getting up, you don’t feel like trying anymore, you just don’t feel like it. Paul wrote two letters of inspiration and encouragement to help inspire a group of new believers to keep going and keep growing. A series of encouragement and challenge, we take the next eight weeks to unpack these two exceptional God-inspired words of motivation. This week, we are motivated by example.

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Dig-In Questions:

  1. Get to know you/icebreaker question: If you could “switch places” and be anyone, who would you want to be?
  2. Who has been a role model for you? Read Hebrews 13:7; how important is it to have someone to model your life or parts of your life after?
  3. What did Paul and Silas model to the Thessalonians in Acts 17:1-9?
  4. Read 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10. Paul and Silas modeled joy, evangelism, hospitality, and repentance. Then, here we see the Thessalonians modeling to all the other believers in the region and beyond the following: 
    1. “Joy… despite suffering.” Have you seen this joy modeled in your life?  Are you modeling this to others?
    2. “Word of the Lord is ringing out from you to people everywhere.”  Have you seen this evangelism modeled in your life? Are you modeling this to others?
    3. “For they keep talking about the wonderful welcome you gave us.”  Have you seen this hospitality model in your life?  Are you modeling this to others?
    4. “Turned away from idols to serve the living and true God.”  Have you seen this type of repentance modeled in your life?  Are you modeling this to others?
  5. Which of the four examples discussed in these passages needs the most growth? Who are the best models in your life, and who should you ask to help mentor you in this area? Spend some time in prayer that the Holy Spirit will empower your obedience to grow and become a model to all who follow you.