Revealed: Shepherds – Overlooked to Overwhelmed

December 15, 2024

Small Group Study Guide

Ice Breaker Questions

  1.  What’s the best news that you’ve ever received? How did you react?
  2. Imagine you were the one tasked with telling others about the Angel’s message. How would you convince people to believe you?

Scripture Passages

  • Luke 6:20 – Jesus tells us the poor are blessed.
  • Romans 3:23 – All have sinned in the eyes of the Lord.

Discussion Questions

  • Scriptural Reflection:
    • How did the shepherds respond to the Angel’s message?
    • What did the multitude of angels do after the first angel spoke?
  • Personal Connection:
    • When have you received surprising or life-changing news? How did you react?
    • Have you ever experienced a moment where you unexpectedly felt God’s presence? What was that like?
  • Practical Implications:
    • The shepherds left their work to see Jesus. What might you need to leave behind or prioritize differently to focus more on Jesus?
    • The shepherds responded immediately to the angel’s message: what area of your life is God calling you to act on without delay?
  • Celebrating His Kingship:
    • How can this “peace on earth” message impact how you live and interact with other people today?
    • The shepherds acted immediately upon hearing the good news. What might obedience to God’s message look like in your own life?
    • How does the story of Jesus’s birth deepen your understanding of God’s love and humility?

Action Steps

  1. Be open to God’s interruption: Start each day asking God to open your eyes to unexpected opportunities to experience or share his work in your life.
  2. Respond with obedience: Identify one area in your life where you feel God is calling you to act and act on it without delay, just as the shepherds did.
  3. Share the good news: Think of one person who might need to hear about the hope and joy Jesus brings. Reach out to them this week to share an encouraging word or your testimony.
  4. Celebration: Play in a small celebration or act of kindness to remind yourself and others of the joy of Christ’s birth. This could be sharing a meal, giving a gift, or writing a note encouraging someone.


God, thank you for the powerful reminder in your word that you choose ordinary people like shepherds to hear the extraordinary good news of Jesus’s birth. Thank you for bringing hope, joy, and peace to all people through the gift of your son. Help us, like the Shepard’s, respond to your message with Faith and obedience. May we seek Jesus urgently, share his love with others, and live lives that glorify and praise you. Fill our hearts with the joy of knowing you, and guide us to share your peace in a world that so desperately needs it. We praise you, and we give you all of the glory. And it’s in your son’s name we pray, amen.

Merry Christmas!

From our families and church staff to you, we wish you a Christ-filled Christmas! May the hope and joy of King Jesus fill your heart this season.

Revealed: Magi – “Worshiping a Worthy King”

December 8, 2024

Small Group Study Guide

Ice Breaker Questions

  1. What’s the most unusual or unexpected gift you’ve ever received?
  2. Who’s your favorite “king” from history, fiction, or pop culture, and why?
  3. If you could meet a king or queen from any era, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

Scripture Passages

  • Matthew 2:1-12 – The story of the Wise Men and their gifts to Jesus.
  • Micah 5:2 – Prophecy of the ruler to be born in Bethlehem.
  • John 19:19 – Pilate’s inscription: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”
  • Revelation 19:16 – “King of kings and Lord of lords” written on his robe and thigh.

Discussion Questions

  • Scriptural Reflection:
    • Why do you think the Wise Men chose gold as a gift for Jesus, and what does it symbolize about His Kingship?
    • How does the prophecy in Micah 5:2 highlight the unusual nature of Jesus’ birth?
  • Personal Connection:
    • Have you ever had a moment when you opposed or dismissed Jesus as King? What changed (or is changing) your perspective?
    • Which of the three responses to Jesus (opposition, dismissal, or worship) do you often see in today’s culture? How can we encourage worship?
  • Practical Implications:
    • How does acknowledging Jesus as King shape how you live daily?
    • The sermon describes Jesus as a King who loves and forgives. How can we reflect that same heart in our interactions with others?
  • Celebrating His Kingship:
    • What does it mean for Jesus to be a “King like no other” in your life?
    • How can you worship Jesus as King during this Christmas season meaningfully?

Action Steps

  1. Personal Worship: Spend time daily reflecting on Jesus as King. Use worship music, journaling, or silent prayer to focus your heart on Him.
  2. Generosity Challenge: Like the Wise Men, who gave valuable gifts, consider how you can give sacrificially this season to reflect the love of King Jesus.
  3. Invite Others: Share the good news of Jesus’ kingship with someone who might be dismissing or opposing Him. Invite them to church or a Christmas event.
  4. Serve: This week, find ways to embody Jesus’ heart for the overlooked and marginalized—volunteer, give, or show kindness to someone in need.


Heavenly Father, we come before You in awe of the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending Your Son to show Your love in such an unusual and remarkable way. As we reflect on the gifts of the Wise Men and the life of Jesus, we ask You to guide us in surrendering fully to His Kingship. Help us to bow our hearts in worship, live lives that honor Him, and share His love with the world. May this Christmas be a time of joy, reflection, and renewed devotion to our King. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Revealed: Simeon – “What Do You Do While You Wait?”

December 1, 2024

Small Group Study Guide

Ice Breaker Questions

  1. What’s the longest you’ve ever had to wait for something? How did you handle it?
  2. If you could eliminate one waiting experience from your life (e.g., waiting in line at a red light), what would it be and why?
  3. Share a time when waiting was worth it in the end. What made it worthwhile?

Scripture Passages

  • Luke 2:25-35 (NLT)
    • Focus: Simeon’s patient waiting for the Messiah and his response upon seeing Him.
  • Psalm 27:14 (NLT)
    • “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”
  • Philippians 3:20 (NLT)
    • “But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.”

Discussion Questions

  1. Simeon waited his entire life to see the Messiah. How do you think he maintained faith during such a long wait?
  2. The passage says the Holy Spirit was upon Simeon and led him to the temple. How does being led by the Spirit help us while we wait?
  3. What does Psalm 27:14 teach us about the posture we should have while waiting on the Lord?
  4. How does waiting reveal what we are truly hoping for? What does it say about our faith?
  5. Discuss Philippians 3:20. How does the perspective of being citizens of heaven help us in seasons of waiting?

Key Insight

The Big Idea: What we do while we wait shows what we are waiting for.
Waiting is not passive; it’s active faith. Simeon’s life shows us that patient and faithful waiting brings us closer to God’s promises.

Action Steps

  1. Reflect: Identify one area of your life where you are currently waiting on God. Spend time in prayer, asking for His guidance and peace.
  2. Practice Faithful Waiting: Choose one tangible way to remain faithful during the wait, such as deepening your prayer life, serving others, or studying Scripture daily.
  3. Encourage Someone: Reach out to someone you know who might be waiting on God and encourage them. Share Psalm 27:14 or pray with them.
  4. Prepare for God’s Timing: Reflect on Simeon’s response when the wait was over. How can you prepare to receive God’s answer with gratitude and trust?


Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your faithfulness and for teaching us to trust in Your perfect timing. Like Simeon, help us to remain patient and devoted, even when the wait feels long. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, guiding us to Your truth and peace. As we wait, help us to grow in faith and hope, remembering that You are always working for our good. May we wait with courage and expectation, knowing that You never fail us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.