Christmas Day 2022  

December 25, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. Share a time when someone showed up to a group, a dinner, or another gathering that just by them being there, all the conversations changed (turned upside down).
2. Without sharing names, what are some of the things about these individuals that cause there to be such a change in the dynamic of a group? (Share both positive and negative examples)
3. Read Luke 2:8-20. This is a common story for many, but what is something that stands out to you?
4. Shepherds have historically been known as lower-class individuals during that time of history. Why do you think God would have chosen them to send the messengers (angels) to share the news of Jesus’ arrival?
5. Read Luke 5:27-32. Why did you believe Jesus was so focused on showing up for the sick and broken? What is one change you could make in your life that would model Jesus and be more focused on those who are broken and in need of Jesus?

Christmas Eve 2022  

December 24, 2022

Upside Down Barriers  

December 18, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

1. Have you ever had a negative experience when someone tried to share their religion with you? Share when, where, and how it happened.
2. Have you ever had a positive experience when someone shared the gospel “good news of Jesus” with you? Share when, where, and how it happened as well as what was different between the negative experience and the positive one.
3. In the first week of this series we discovered that Christmas wasn’t just a holiday, Christmas is a rescue mission. Today we look through the purpose and life of John the Baptist to see how we are a part of this mission as well. Read John 1:6-9, 15, 19-28. What is the purpose John was given?
4. Read: Luke 12:35-40. What stands out to you about this story from Jesus and how is this command similar to the purpose and command of John the Baptist?
5. Who has God put in your path and how could you share the gospel, point to the light of Christ, and help them walk closer to Jesus this Christmas?

Hope For The Hopeless  

December 11, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

Read Matthew 1:18-25

  1.  This is a very familiar story, but looking at it again (or listening to Ben’s sermon), what stood out to you that seemed like a lesser detail before?
  2.  How does Joseph’s story encourage you to listen to God? What about when God is calling you to do something difficult?
  3. Why do you think it was important for Jesus to be born as a baby? Why do you think it was important for him to be born in such low conditions? (Stable, surrounded by animals and filth, etc)
  4.  How does your faith compare for contrast with Joseph?
  5.  Is there something God has asked you to do that you haven’t followed through on? How could you take steps
    toward obedience this week?


Blue Christmas 

December 4, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. Christmas for many is a joyous occasion, but for some of us, it fills us with heartbroken grief. Share with one another if you have ever suffered grief during the holidays.
  2. Christmas for many is a joyous occasion, but for some of us, it fills us with heartbroken grief. Share with one another if you have ever suffered grief during the holidays.
  3. What are some ways you have found helpful to overcome grief during the holidays?
  4. Read Matthew 2:1-18. What stands out to you? Have you or anyone you have loved lost a child?
  5. Assign each person one verse to read: Psalm 27:10Isaiah 41:10Isaiah 41:13Psalm 63:8Isaiah 46:4Isaiah 49:16Psalm 139:10Psalm 73:23Isaiah 41:10. What stood out to you as you heard these being read?
  6. How can you lift one another up this week if dealing with grief? Encourage those dealing with grief to sign up for “Surviving the Holidays” evening event for those suffering from grief on

Upside Down Christmas Week 1

November 27, 2022

In light of this week’s message, we encourage you to consider these questions and dig in a little deeper with your personal study, with your family, or with your small group.

  1. How has being a Christian been different for you than what you expected? If you are not a Christian yet, what do you think being a Christian would be like?
  2. What are some of the most common misconceptions about Christianity that you have heard?  (ie. legalistic, judgmental, hypocrisy, etc.)
  3. In this series, “Upside down Christmas” we are looking at many of the ways the arrival of Jesus can turn things upside down.  We will see how for Jesus, Christmas wasn’t a holiday to celebrate but a rescue mission to accomplish. Read Matthew 1:17 and notice the genealogy written through the passages before it. Why was this so important to the readers at the time?
  4. Why was it so “upside down” to mention Rahab, Judah and Tamar, Bathsheba, Uriah, and Ruth in this genealogy?  What would mentioning a prostitute, someone being impregnated by your father in law, Adulterer, Murderer, and a Moabite all be so potentially damaging to Jesus resume’ to some but able to better accomplish his mission for others? 
  5.  How does knowing that Jesus wasn’t ashamed of the messy past of his family past help encourage your acceptance into his family now?  How could you use an authentic and vulnerable personal testimony to reach those who have misconceptions about being “too bad” or “too far gone” to be accepted into the family of Jesus?